Monday, June 18, 2012

Last week.....

I write this with mixed emotions....we are happy that summer is right around the corner....but sad that we have to say goodbye to so many children who put smiles on our faces every day we saw them and even when we didn't see them!! I told the 4's this morning that they could come back to preschool in September, that they didn't have to go to kindergarten. I heard a lot of 'no's' and "we have to go to kindergarten"...but then I got a lot of hugs, so all is good in the world. Each promised to come and visit us....Have a fabulous, safe, fun summer and DO visit us next year when you get a chance...and to our 3's growing into 4's...we will see you again in September...can't wait!! God bless you :)

1 comment: said...

Thank you for being such wonderful teachers and all your love for our kids! :)