Monday, June 20, 2011


Good morning! Looks like it's getting brighter out there so let's go for it! We'll see you around 10:00 AM, dress in layers as it is probably cooler down there. We will meet at the end of Beecher Street in 'downtown' Crescent Beach area, by the public bathrooms and the restaurants. Parking is in the local neighbourhood, be aware of no parking signs in front of some residential homes. On the beach, look for a couple of helium balloons and my purple beach chair! Call the school for my cell number if you need more directions! See you soon!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Hi everyone. Can't believe we are in our last week of our preschool year once again! Here are some important reminders about this week and next:

1) June/July/August Birthday celebrations are Wednesday/Thursday. Feel free to bring a birthday treat to hand out at the end of class, but don't feel obligated!
2) Children are encouraged to bring a show and tell this week with the theme being "Ocean". ALL children are invited to do so, so that everyone gets one more turn for show and tell!
3) Wednesday PM class (15th), Thursday class (16th) and Friday class(17th) are our last classes for this year. Please ensure you take all belongings including art work, nametags off cubbies, earthquake kits, etc. Anything not taken will be left with the office for you to pick up at a time convenient for you!
4) TOMORROW NIGHT: Father's Day Event at Primary Campus Gymnasium, 6:30 PM. This is a great evening, we will making a yummy snack together as well as a fun craft, Lego station and we'll sing some songs for you too! If you didn't RSVP, please do so as soon as possible so we know how many are coming.
5) Crescent Beach Party day: We will be handing out maps this week with instructions. We will meet on the main beach close to the fish and chips restaurant on Monday, June 20. Please bring your own snacks, lawn chairs, toys. IF the weather is bad, check the blog to see if we are going or not. Tuesday the 21st is our alternate day.