Monday, February 11, 2013

Reminders for this week!

Hi everyone! A few things to remember for this week, it's short but busy!! 1) Class photos on Wednesday and Thursday, please come to class on time, we will be taking pictures as soon as we are done handing out valentines! Picture order envelopes have been handed out to all 4's classes, 3's classes will get their's tomorrow!! Please return on or before picture day with payment, cheque or cash. 2) Wednesday and Thursday is also RED AND PINK day, wear red and/or pink, and/or bring something for show and tell that is red and/or pink. Please also bring your valentines to hand out. Parents, please stay for a few minutes to help your child hand out the valentines, we will open doors 5 minutes early to do this before picture time. Hope you had a fabulous FAMILY DAY, scroll down for slideshows of our gymnastics field trip!!! See you soon!

4 year old AM/PM classes at Surrey Gymnastics

9-1 class at Surrey Gymnastics

3 year old's at Surrey Gymnastics!