Saturday, December 22, 2012


Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you again for the lovely gifts, thoughtful cards and well wishes, it's so much appreciated! We hope and pray your holiday is filled with fun, family and friends as we celebrate Jesus' birth! Stay tuned for some slideshows and maybe a video or two of our Christmas celebrations this past week....

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Concert today!

3 year old concert today! Classes cancelled for the day. Please come at 10:45 AM, bring a SMALL plate of goodies (1/2 dozen) to share.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

No Preschool today!!

School is cancelled due to snow, busses do not run in this weather therefore we need to shut down for the day.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Please check the school website in the morning for a possible closure due to snowfall and bad road conditions.
The four year old concert is ON tonight. See you at 6:15 at the Primary Campus! Bring a few goodies to share. Also, a reminder for 3 year old parents, classes are cancelled on Thursday as we will perform our concert at 11:00 AM in Room #1. Please plan to arrive around 10:45 and bring a few goodies to share. Some of you are also wondering what your child should wear. It is up to you and your child whether they get dressed up or not, casual or dressy is fine.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas concert

Hello everyone! Just want to clear up some questions surrounding the Christmas concerts: There was some misinformation on the school website. The primary school concert will NOT be a PRE-K to grade 3 concert, but a KINDERGARTEN to grade 3 concert. I'm sorry for the confusion. The 4 year old program is on Tuesday, December 18 at 6:30 PM. Refer to your newsletter for details. The 3 year old program is on Thursday, December 20 at 11:00 AM. Again, refer to your newsletter, the sign up sheet is on the parent board in the hallway. If you need another newsletter, please ask one of the teachers, the Christmas concert invitations are posted on the parent board (it was attached to the December newsletter), extra copies are available, just ask!!